Jumat, 30 April 2021

Book Report on King Arthur Story

By, Febri Wengke

On this session of book report with the title of the book is King Arthur. Written by Janet Hardy-Gould, who born in United Kingdom. She was a graded reader author whose books are hugely popular with teachers and students around the world. She has written a wide range of graded readers for Oxford University Press. These include Ellis Island: Rosalia's Story (Oxford Dominoes) which won the Extensive Reading Foundation (ERF) award in 2020 and Merlin (Oxford Dominoes) which won the ERF award in 2015, plus Amelia Earhart (Oxford Bookworms Library) which was shortlisted for the ERF final in 2015. Find her writing on website https://www.janethardy-gould.com/. Most of the genres of her books such as Children'sHistoryClassics.

King Arthur was the first date of publication on 2000 in Oxford. Book worms for this edition 2008 in Oxford University Press, the genre of medieval romance. Beginning by the magician was named Merlin dreaming about the king of England whose name Arthur. Merlin makes magic stone and puts a sword in it. The only true king who be able to pull out the sword. Accidently there was a boy can do it, and then he became a king which name Arthur.


·         Arthur ( a king of England, the strongest and wise king)

·         Merlin ( Magician and the King Arthur’s supervisor)

·         Guinevere (beautiful queen of King Arthur)

·         Morgan (half-sister of king Arthur, who can see the future)

·         Modred (Morgan’s son, sly, and who desire be king)

·         Lancelot (the strongest man and the first knight of round table)

·         Gwain (the strongest soldier and as the true friend of King Arthur)

The setting of place, the history was happened in England, the most specific place tells in the story, such as in Castle of Camelot, the villages, town, lake. Meanwhile setting of time the story was happened on year 650. Most of the story happened in morning and evening.

The conflicts were because of no king in England, no one to lead the people. There was battle everywhere. The magic man was named Merlin dream about the true king. Through his magic to make competition. He put the sword into the stone, as who can pull out the sword, he can be a king of England. There was a boy who can pull out the sword from stone. The people around were shocked and they was glad that they have a King. By the times Merlin advises the King Arthur and after four years become strongest and wise king. Upon of lead the King Arthur they were never lost in every battle. One day King Arthur wanted to marry a girl who become queen named Guienevere. But Merlin do not approve, because Merlin see the trouble in future, if Guinevere become queen of King Arthur. Even more Morgan see the unhappy future between King Arthur and Guinevere. However the desire of King Arthur can’t stop. King Arthur and Guinevere live together in new Castle of Camelot, while Merlin has to leave and turn over the magic sword to King Arthur. Through the competition Lanchelot as the winner and become the first knight of the round table. A night Morgan and her son Modred come to Camelot and stay for weeks, with the secret Morgan and Modred see the Future of King Arthur’s dead. Modred incite the King Arthur, if Lanchelot often together and in love. Even more Modred provoke the King Arthur to fight Lanchelot. After a week in the other village King Arthur wanted to fight Lanchelot, but he didn’t want to fight King Arthur as friend and Lanchelot just want talk to finish the problem. Accidently a news from a soldier, if Modred take over the King in Camelot and Modred put the queen in the prison. King Arthur and Lanchelot forget their fight, and then they was together to fight Modred. But King Arthur was lost and soreness by the Modred. After that Lanchelot come to help King Arthur and fight to Modred, on the fighting Modred die upon Lanchelot hand. In the end King Arthur hand over the king and queen to Lanchelot. Then Merlin pick up King Arthur and gone over the water.

Jumat, 19 Maret 2021

Social Media Influence the People Life

By, Febri Wengke

Understanding of Social Media how influences people’s life, nowadays on the people’s life which is people’s life like addicted by social media. Give impacts the people’s life into two side of life between cyberspace lives versus real life. Basically, tend to instruct people into cyberspace life. True happen nowadays on people’s life, with all of improvement of technological as instruct of that social media such as computer, phone, notebook, television, radio etc.
Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks. The variety of stand-alone and built-in social media services currently available introduces challenges of definition; however, there are some common feature Facebook, Line, WhatsApp, WeChat, Instagram, G mail, Messenger, Twitter, YouTube, etc.
Discussion about influences of Social Media on people’s life, as following;
Positive Influences
Regarding of social media as being part of people’s life are able to access any kinds of information easily. There is no difficulty to communicate, there no barrier to interact with the others even from another country. Furthermore, such as;
Social media can be used to educate young people.
Social media can be used as a voice of reason in society.
Social media has enabled more young people to be creative and innovative.
Social media has given teens the ability to hone different skills that are important in the real world.
Social media gives teens skills to become more confident and independent.

Negative Influences
Let’s explore the darker side of social media and exactly how (and why) it’s bad for you. You’ll be surprised to learn the negative influences of social media are both physical and mental. It can change your perception of the world and yourself, and not always for the better. Furthermore, such as;
Depression and anxiety
Cyber bullying
FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
Unrealistic expectations
Negative body image
Unhealthy sleep patterns
General addiction

Solve the addicted of social media, it cannot be denied that technology and social media have revolutionized the way people communicate and socialized. Not only is it widely used by the millennial, many social media platforms are now being used by various groups of diverse ages. Because, not a few people who are had bad impact to social media, causing various problems in their lives. Then, how do you overcome the addicted of social media?
Expand socialization in real life
Limit its use
Find activities that are more useful
Use wisely
Focus on people around you
Turn of notification

The discussion above can be Conclude that nowadays on people’s life, which part of people’s life tent to cyberspace life. That not in spite of all the emergence of various kinds of social medias such as Facebook, Line, WhatsApp, Instagram, WeChat, G mail, Messenger, Twitter, YouTube, etc. That all kinds of social medias, which being part of the most important thing in people’s lives, which will be effect on positive and negative impacts in the community. Because of people’s who had abuse and being addicted on that social media, there are the way too to solve it such as expand socialization in real life, limit its use, find activities that are more useful, use wisely, focus on people around you, turn of notification.

Selasa, 27 Oktober 2020

Tourism Is an Ever Growing Industry

By, Febri Wengke

Tourism is a process where the people who would like to move from the place their living to the other place as tourism place, that tourism place are they would like to see the beautifully of that tourism object and to do refresh, cause of fatigue due to work that is so dense. In this case, specifically to the people who stay in the urban area. Which they have so busy on their working, that make them   being tired and even stressed. And even for the people who stay outside of the city, that they want to go to the other places as travel to know the new beauty, as apart from what they have feel in their village. Likewise, Suwantoro have state that, “Tourism is a temporary process of trust from someone or more towards another place outside of his place of residence for a reason and not for committing a departure that makes money”(Suwantoro, 1997). On developing of tourism being Tourism Industry. Especially Indonesia, which is tourism industry that very rapidly growing on developing of Indonesian economy. Mostly, some of percentage in Indonesian economy growing, it very supporting from the tourism aspect. Based on the data of Culture and Tourism Minister of Indonesia from 2009 until 2019, that tourism have donated the foreign exchange for 18 billion (katadata.co.id, 2018). This is proves that the strength of the tourism industry in supporting economic growth in Indonesia. On this writing will talking about, the components of tourism being tourism industry and the benefits of tourism industry for individuals and society.

Talking about tourism industry, that’s cannot be separated from the components that conducted on tourism industry considering the form of give the convenience to the tourist who would travel to the tourism place or tourism object, such as; tourist attraction, transportation, accommodation and the place to eat. Likewise on Nesa have state that “the main facilities are needed in tourism industry, such as; hotels, restaurants, transportations, travel agents, and attractions” (Nesa, 2018). In the form of tourism industry, tourist attraction is one of the component that give role in motivating and becoming the main attraction factor for tourist in determining their destination. The tourist attraction is based on natural resources and manmade results, some of which include; natural beauty, historical places, monuments, zoos, theme parks, museums, national parks, agro tourism, cultural tour, tourist village, and marine tourism. The connection of tourism industry with transportation. Which is primary aspect that transfer for the people who to move for travel from their origin place. Even more to streamline their travel time. In general, there are kinds of transportation that mostly needed in tourism, such as; motorbike, car, bus, airplane, train, and boat. Then in connection with accommodation, which is very helpful for the person who to travel. Especially, the tourist who take travel that is quite far from origin place that take travel more than one day, which they must to stay overnight. Also the tourist that would like to visit the tourism destination that they want, and plan for stay overnight for few days, considering feel that the tourist destination is suitable for them. Therefore, this is where the main role of accommodation to facilitate tourist who are forced to stay, considering their trip is too far away. Or indeed want to stay longer to enjoy more about tourism destination that they visit. In this case, as for the types of accommodation that are generally desired by those who travel, such as; hotels, villas, resorts, bungalows, apartments, homestay, etc. As well as places to eat, such as; restaurants, stalls, cafes, and other types of eating places. In relation to the tourism industry, some places to eat are needed by tourists who do travel. Basically, food is one of the human needs, which cannot be separated from human life. In addition to adding energy to the body, more that most of tourist want to try new tastes and pleasure to eat at tourist destinations. Generally, they want it on culinary tours.

On the case of the benefits of tourism industry for the individuals and society life. Through on three of component above on tourism industry, that tourism industry as one of the aspect to support the developing of economy in Indonesia. Tourism industry as one of the type of product character is service. Its connection with the three components above is very close in the terms of services, among others through; tours and travel services, transportation services, accommodation services, restaurant services and other eating places. Through to the first benefits of tourism industry for the individuals. It’s bring good impact for the people who want to wrestle in tourism. As for some of the benefits, such as; there will opportunity to build business on hotel services, transportation services, tour travel services, restaurant services, and SPA services. Considering with that business, it can create more jobs. And it will be a great opportunity for students who study about tourism, in the terms of their work when they will finish of their school later on. They can adjust into the some of job prospects, there are can be a tour guide, receptionist, waiter, chef, housekeeping, etc. Likewise, “creating a variety of employment opportunities, and establishing various kinds of business that can support the object of tourism to be better and more attractive” (Tyaminozz, 2013).

In the benefits of tourism industry for the society. Which is the society will be active to develop their culture in order to attract interest the tourist to visit the culture of society. Also there will be a sustainable system to improve cultural tourism. As for cultural tourism, among others; tradition, religion, how to dress, dance, shape of building and arts. In this case, cultural tourism is unique for the tourists who want to see cultural differences. More specifically in Indonesia that has thousands of different culture of differences culture from each of islands that exists. Then through tourism industry, it is very encouraging and profitable for the society to develop the culture. Cultural development by the society as a driver to lift the image of a nation that is rich in culture with all its own uniqueness from every region in Indonesia. Also the society will encouraged to foster a sense of love for the country by maintain the own culture in the eyes of world, through the visitor who coming and that culture will not ruinous. Like on Arjana have state that, “the original and traditional culture that have unique need to be preserved because it is a reliable asset has an attraction for tourist” (Arjana, 2015, p.169).

In this case can be conclude, that on tourism through the impact of tourist where to travel.  With their needed on their travel are cover all tourism components, such as; tourist attraction, accommodation, transportation, and eating place. Considering of those components, tourism being a tourism industry and as an aspect for country through give benefits for individuals even for society. It’s give good impact on support the developing of our country through economy and community empowerment.  Therefore, tourism industry as not only talking about the happiness of a travel, but there more to give great influence and good in the development of the nation.   

Suwantoro, 1997
Kementrian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata 2018
Nesa, 2018
Tiyaminozz, 2013
Arjana, I Gusti Bagus, 2015, Geografi Pariwisata Dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Jakarta: Rajawali Pers,                       

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2020

The Legend of Ruteng Pu'u

By, FebriJansen

Ruteng Pu'u is one of the oldest villages in Manggarai Regency, that has originated in the city of Ruteng as capital city of Manggarai Regency.  The term Ruteng Pu'u in the Manggarai language is "Beo Ruteng Pu'u".
In ancient times some of the ancestors as the first people who inhabited Ruteng Pu'u wanted to build their village, namely Ruteng Pu'u village, by going through the forest to look for large wood to be used as blocks as one of the materials for making traditional houses in Manggarai language "  ngo coco balok ".  In the forest they look for a tree that is big enough and hard by spraying the outside of the tree trunk to make a block.  When they insert some trees in the middle of the forest.  They heard that a group of people were hunting wild boar "motang" as in Manggarai language.  Whereas the people who hunt wild boar are delicate creatures or genies whose local designation is "darat".  The wild boar that was killed by a group of genies ran to the area where the people of Ruteng Pu'u were making blocks.  But what is seen by the people of Ruteng pu'u is not a wild boar, but actually only a little mouse.  Immediately also one of the people of Ruteng Pu'u cut the little mouse.  There came the genies who hunted the rat, who regarded him as a wild boar.  Then the genies asked the whereabouts of the wild boar that ran to the Ruteng Pu'u community who were making blocks.  One of the Ruteng Pu'u communities answered them that he only saw a mouse who ran towards one of the Ruteng Pu'u communities and cut the mouse.  To show the truth, one of the Ruteng Pu'u communities shows the mouse by trading its tail.  Simultaneously the hunting genies were shocked to see one of the Ruteng Pu'u people who slashed and held a wild boar with one hand, even though what the Ruteng pu'u saw was a mousse.  Immediately the genies prepared ropes and wood to carry the mice whose eyes were wild boar.  But one of the Ruteng Pu'u people, who held the mouse, helped the genies for that person who brought their game to where the genies lives.  The genies are very grateful and thankful, as a favor, the genies helped propel the blocks from the Ruteng Pu'u community to the Ruteng Pu'u village.  At that time, when the Ruteng Pu'u and genies in the Ruteng Pu'u village were unorganized, the Ruteng Pu'u people wanted to build a village local named beo.  The genies are still grateful and thank them to give another favor for the peoples of Ruteng Pu'u by arranging the village development area at the request of the people of Ruteng Puu.  With the agreement of the genies, that they do the arrangement at night and all pet dogs are tied.  In the middle of the night the genies did the construction of the Ruteng Pu'u village development area.  When it arrived before dawn the genies reorganized, a dog's barking was awakened by one of the residents urinating.  Because the barking dogs of the genies also ran away and disappeared.  Arriving at sunrise, in the morning the Ruteng Pu'u community saw the construction area of ​​the Ruteng Pu'u village already neatly arranged with rocks like the one in front of the Ruteng Pu'u village.  The altar of the composition of rocks in the Manggarai language "compang" which has been arranged by the genies.  From that moment on, there was the village of Ruteng Pu'u.

References; Youtube video Asal Usul Beo Ruteng by Andre Yuris. On interview with Mr.  Lambertus Dapur (ahead of Ruteng Pu'u Village "Tu'a Golo)

Senin, 28 September 2020

An Analyzing of Phonological in German and English Language

By, Febri Wengke
Language is a human effort through signal of think from what the human feel as into the sound by some of the words, so as become a language that human use in daily life. Likewise Aitchison have state that “the specialized sound signaling system which seems to be genetically programed to develop in humans” (Aitchison, 1992).  Language as the primary thing that using by the human in a life on how the human interaction with the others. Language that kind of communicate to interaction in between the humans. In using the language, one of the thing that to understand is phonology on how to sound each of the initial word in a language. So as phonology is to study about sound patterns. This writing as to analyze the phonotactics in phonological of German and English language.
Phonotactics  which in a language the smallest unit in a word that permissible to combine in order to give the meaning of word that sounded. In German has initial consonant cluster of gn, as in gnade = grace and gnadenlos = merciless, that in German are pronounced as they are written. Meanwhile in English does not have the initial sound sequence gn. But in English words has initial gn that in  the words like; gnawing and gnarly that words are spelled with gn, but letter g is not pronounced in words. On the other hand, English has initial cluster as not part of consonant that not normally occur in German as example in initial sk ‘skill’, ‘sky’ and in initial st ‘study’, ‘stay’. In German word initial sk as in ‘skonto’ = cash credit and st as in ‘statt’ = instead of, that initials are not normally pronounced in German, but that initials are pronounced in German as if they began with shk and sht. 
In this case even some the language have same initial at the permissible combination, but they have different to sound. As in German and English language even they have same initial at permissible combinations of gn, sk, st. But as in Phonology aspect they have different into sound the initials, so as not occur each other.  Which as permissible combinations in German with initial gn all the letters sounded, but in English initial gn was not all the letters sounded as in letter g. In the other hand, permissible combination in English with initial st was all the letters sounded as not to skip one. But in German initial st must to take another letter to sound it, as in sht. Through the analyze phonology aspect of German and English language, that can be understood to effectively sounds the initial at the permissible combinations on one words while to communication.

Aitchison, 1992, Teach Yourself Linguistics, 4th ed, British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.

Jumat, 11 September 2020

The Magnificent Natural Attractions in Manggarai

By, Febri Wengke

Talking about tourist attraction which Manggarai is one of the area that offer the nature magnificent that still isolated and preserved. The Manggarai area precise located in western part of Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara Province. On the government system Manggarai area separate into three regencies such as West Manggarai, Central Manggarai, and East Manggarai. Similar with the magnificent of natural tourist attraction in other area, also Manggarai offer the magnificent of natural tourist attraction such as ocean, small islands, rice fields, mountains, lakes, waterfalls, etc. On this writing offer to explain the magnificent nature tourist attraction in Manggarai area, especially the magnificent of lakes, rice field, and waterfall. Among them Sano Nggoang Crater Lake in West Manggarai, Lingko Rice Field and Tengkulese Waterfall in Central Manggarai, and Ranamese Lake in East Manggarai.

Sano Nggoang
 (picture source; @firman_photography)
Sano Nggoang is one of the natural tourist object offer the magnificent of volcanic crater lake, that one of the depth lakes in the world about 600 meter located at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level. From its name Sano means lake and Nggoang means flaming, so Sano Nggoang is Flaming Lake, but not the fact of this lake has clear and cool views.  This lake has highly level of sulfur, so that make some of the visitor who come for a while soak themselves in the freshness of lake water. Even more there is natural sulfuric hot spring to take a time for trying therapeutic mud spa treatment.  There some of the local people who had horse that can be rented for a while enjoy the view of Volcanic Mount Sano Nggoang. Where the located of Sano Nggoang lake in between Sano Nggoang Village and Wae Sano Village, Sano Nggoang Sub district, West Manggarai. About 63 kilometer or 3 hours drive from Labuan Bajo  a small port town on the western part of Flores Island and as the capital city of West Manggarai.

(picture source; @wonderfulfloresid)
Lingko rice field is the big circle designed to the rice fields, that as one of the tourist object with the magnificent view of rice field that looks like spider-web. Lingko Rice Field owned by the one ‘wa’u’ or family in one ‘beo’ or village, which Lingko formed from the center as called ‘Lodok’ until outside line as the border of one Lingko is called ‘Cicing. The Lingko system serves as equitable justice to distribute fields to each of family member or tribe in one village. The uniqueness of Lingko rice fields is due to the Lingko system which is customary system and only exists in Manggarai area. There are several name of Lingko rice fields, such as; Lingko Molo, Lingko Meler, Lingko Ndung, Lingko Lindang, Lingko Temek, Lingko Purang Pane, Lingko Sepe, and Lingko Wae Toso.The Lingko rice fields located in Cancar village, Ruteng District. From Labuan Bajo as one of tourism destination drive to Lingko Rice Field can be reach about four hours by bus. Even more from Ruteng as  the capital city of Manggarai Regency to Lingko Rice Field can be reach about one hour drive to the western part of Ruteng, take by local transportation called ‘bemo’. In Cancar Village there is Weol hill, from the gate walk about hundred meter to the top of hill, that  the visitor can enjoy view of Lingko rice field. 

 (picture source; @arkadewa_flores)
Tengkulese as in local people called Cunca Lega is one of the magnificent tourist attractions that offer two levels of waterfall, deal for adventure seekers and explorers. Around waterfall there are includes the exotic view of rice field, jungle, river, and rocks that offer the natural impression. The flow of the Tengkulese waterfall is very beneficial for the surrounding community to irrigate rice fields and other types of agricultural plants. The access from the main road as the gate to start trekking take about 1 hour, it promises an attractive mix of trekking and the swimming in the amazingly cool water of a cascading that flows at the foot of waterfall. Tengkulese waterfall where located at the name of its Tengkulese Village, North Rahong subdistrict. Take a car or motorbike reach about 1 hour drive from Ruteng as the capital city of Manggarai.

(picture source: @lilianyoman)
Ranamese is one of the tourist attraction offer the magnificent view of calming lake surrounding by rainforest. The lake depth about 43 meter, around 11,5 hectare, and located about 1,200 meter above sea level. Because of the coolness and humidity around the lake moss and all kinds of trees grow, turns around the lake and tree branches protruding to the surface of the lake. Without roar of lake water and only surrounded dense of forest, it makes the atmosphere quiet and serene. All around only hear the chirping of all kinds of birds, the screams of monkeys, and other animals that giving the impression of this peaceful nature. Ranamese lake flanked by the two highest mountains in Manggarai area between Mount Mandosawu about 2,400 above sea level and Mount Ranaka about 2,140 above sea level. The location of Ranamese Lake in Golo Loni Village, to precise near the Trans Flores road on the Ruteng-Borong route. Can be reach about 35 minutes from the city of Ruteng and about 45 minutes from Borong as the capital city of East Manggarai.
On this writing has been presented about natural attractions in Manggarai area, including Sano Nggoang with the beauty of a crater lake, Lingko with its beauty of rice field looks like spider-web. Tengkulese with the beauty two levels of waterfall, and Ranamese with beauty of calm lake in the middle of forest.  So that what has been conveyed in the three natural tourist objects can be well known  by all readers, especially for the new generation of Manggarai to know about tourist attraction as one of the component to support the tourism aspect in Manggarai. Even more through this writing as to provide information for lovers of travelling about some of the magnificent natural attractions in Manggarai if one day they visit Manggarai.

Rabu, 02 September 2020

The Lingko Tradition in Dividing Land of Manggarai Tribe

By, Febri Wengke
    Manggarai is one of the tribes that found in Indonesia. Precisely in the eastern part of Indonesia, namely the island of Flores which as part of the East Nusa Tenggara Province. The Manggarai tribe is particular in the western part of Flores island, where the government system is dividing into three districts including West Manggarai, Central Manggarai(Manggarai), and East Manggarai. The inheritance of Manggarai’s land makes it different from other areas in Flores Island. Due to the fertility of Manggarai soil, most of the people hold on to their livelihoods as farmers. Therefore, from their ancestor until now the Manggarai area is the only area that has applied the Lingko Tradition to their plantation areas. The tradition of Lingko by the ancestor of the Manggarai community is believed to be a system of equitable distribution of plantation land, which the Manggarai community applies to wet plantation areas (rice field) and to dry plantations. 
     Lingko is a tradition of the Manggarai community in general as terms of forming wet and dry plantation areas. This is Lingko tradition with forming of the circle plantation that looks like spider web. Lingko has centered at the central point that named “Lodok” and it has border outside as named “Cicing”. From the ancestor until now the Manggarai communities believe that with the Lingko system to their plantation as the equitable system. As the implementation of the Manggarai term is “Gendang One Lingko Pe’ang”, which is ‘Gendang” as the traditional house of Manggarai community that can be lived together and “Lingko” itself as the plantation area that can be possessed by together of community in one village “beo/golo”. One of the rice field plantation area that applied Lingko system is Cancar rice field plantation, located in Manggarai Regency which because the uniqueness of Lingko, it become well known in world. In Cancar rice field plantation has some of the Lingko such as; Lingko Molo, Lingko Meler, Lingko Ndung, Lingko Lindang, Lingko Temek, Lingko Purang Pane, Lingko Sepe, and Lingko Wae Toso. From the stretch of the Lingko, the goverment has made the Lingko rice fields a tourist attraction because of its uniqueness which resembles a spider_web.
     The tradition of Lingko to dividing land as the trusted of Manggarai community since the ancestor lived in Manggarai which the Lingko distribute from central or central dividing as named Lodok. At the central of Lodok have to perform a traditional ceremony namely ‘Tente’ as before the rice field distribute. The Tente ceremony is the praying and offering to the ancestor as to thanks giving and ask the blessing to the creation of Lingko. On the ceremony of Tente was done by offerings the slaughtering as one of the sacrificial animals, like goats and chickens. After the thanks giving and offerings ceremony, the Teno wood ‘haju teno’ was planted at the central Lodok which has been proved. Then with the Moso formula or finger formula which to dividing the field on Lingko has made with pull the ‘wase’ or rope that has been tied to the teno wood, pull the rope from the center to the ‘cicing’ or outer boundary of Lingko. Field that on the Lingko divided based on the number of families or ‘Wa’u’ who live in one ‘beo’ or village. Even so in the division of fields in one Lingko through customs which get the largest share of the fields are Tu’a Teno and Tu’a Golo. As for people from other village ‘beo’ who want to obtain one fields in Lingko with customary condition through requests to Tu’a Golo and Tu’a Teno and offering a rooster and typical Manggarai drink ‘tuak’ which is in the Manggarai term is “kapu manuk lele tuak” then do the meeting according to the custom. The ones who have the authority to lead the division process in the Lingko are Tu’a Golo as the head of customary in one village and Tu’a Teno as the head of the land management division for the villagers. In which Tu’a Golo and Tu’a Teno have been chosen based on deliberation with the term ‘lonto leok’ in the customary system of one village since ‘hese beo’ or when  the village was founded, then the position continues to be passed down on to their children and grandchildren.
     From the way of Manggarai people life that most of the people hold on agricultural aspect as the way to continuing the life. Therefore, agricultural areas are urgently needed, which is also highly supported by fertile conditions of the Manggarai area and very suitable for farming. Thus from their ancestor until now the Lingko tradition has been preserved when the Manggarai people want to open new land. On the Lingko plantation system by the Manggarai community believe that representation of equal life in togetherness as the Manggarai people who lived in one village ‘beo’/’golo’. Moreover the Lingko tradition applied on Manggarai people’s plantation. As the form of stability to maintain kinship relations because they have part of the fields in the same Lingko.

Flores Magazine, 2013

5 Destinasi Wisata Yang Wajib Dikunjungi di Labuan Bajo Selain ke Pulau Komodo

  Penulis; Febri Wengke (keindahan kota pelabuhan Labuan Bajo dihiasi puluhan kapal yang mengambang, sumber; dokumentasi pribadi) Kegemara...