Jumat, 11 September 2020

The Magnificent Natural Attractions in Manggarai

By, Febri Wengke

Talking about tourist attraction which Manggarai is one of the area that offer the nature magnificent that still isolated and preserved. The Manggarai area precise located in western part of Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara Province. On the government system Manggarai area separate into three regencies such as West Manggarai, Central Manggarai, and East Manggarai. Similar with the magnificent of natural tourist attraction in other area, also Manggarai offer the magnificent of natural tourist attraction such as ocean, small islands, rice fields, mountains, lakes, waterfalls, etc. On this writing offer to explain the magnificent nature tourist attraction in Manggarai area, especially the magnificent of lakes, rice field, and waterfall. Among them Sano Nggoang Crater Lake in West Manggarai, Lingko Rice Field and Tengkulese Waterfall in Central Manggarai, and Ranamese Lake in East Manggarai.

Sano Nggoang
 (picture source; @firman_photography)
Sano Nggoang is one of the natural tourist object offer the magnificent of volcanic crater lake, that one of the depth lakes in the world about 600 meter located at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level. From its name Sano means lake and Nggoang means flaming, so Sano Nggoang is Flaming Lake, but not the fact of this lake has clear and cool views.  This lake has highly level of sulfur, so that make some of the visitor who come for a while soak themselves in the freshness of lake water. Even more there is natural sulfuric hot spring to take a time for trying therapeutic mud spa treatment.  There some of the local people who had horse that can be rented for a while enjoy the view of Volcanic Mount Sano Nggoang. Where the located of Sano Nggoang lake in between Sano Nggoang Village and Wae Sano Village, Sano Nggoang Sub district, West Manggarai. About 63 kilometer or 3 hours drive from Labuan Bajo  a small port town on the western part of Flores Island and as the capital city of West Manggarai.

(picture source; @wonderfulfloresid)
Lingko rice field is the big circle designed to the rice fields, that as one of the tourist object with the magnificent view of rice field that looks like spider-web. Lingko Rice Field owned by the one ‘wa’u’ or family in one ‘beo’ or village, which Lingko formed from the center as called ‘Lodok’ until outside line as the border of one Lingko is called ‘Cicing. The Lingko system serves as equitable justice to distribute fields to each of family member or tribe in one village. The uniqueness of Lingko rice fields is due to the Lingko system which is customary system and only exists in Manggarai area. There are several name of Lingko rice fields, such as; Lingko Molo, Lingko Meler, Lingko Ndung, Lingko Lindang, Lingko Temek, Lingko Purang Pane, Lingko Sepe, and Lingko Wae Toso.The Lingko rice fields located in Cancar village, Ruteng District. From Labuan Bajo as one of tourism destination drive to Lingko Rice Field can be reach about four hours by bus. Even more from Ruteng as  the capital city of Manggarai Regency to Lingko Rice Field can be reach about one hour drive to the western part of Ruteng, take by local transportation called ‘bemo’. In Cancar Village there is Weol hill, from the gate walk about hundred meter to the top of hill, that  the visitor can enjoy view of Lingko rice field. 

 (picture source; @arkadewa_flores)
Tengkulese as in local people called Cunca Lega is one of the magnificent tourist attractions that offer two levels of waterfall, deal for adventure seekers and explorers. Around waterfall there are includes the exotic view of rice field, jungle, river, and rocks that offer the natural impression. The flow of the Tengkulese waterfall is very beneficial for the surrounding community to irrigate rice fields and other types of agricultural plants. The access from the main road as the gate to start trekking take about 1 hour, it promises an attractive mix of trekking and the swimming in the amazingly cool water of a cascading that flows at the foot of waterfall. Tengkulese waterfall where located at the name of its Tengkulese Village, North Rahong subdistrict. Take a car or motorbike reach about 1 hour drive from Ruteng as the capital city of Manggarai.

(picture source: @lilianyoman)
Ranamese is one of the tourist attraction offer the magnificent view of calming lake surrounding by rainforest. The lake depth about 43 meter, around 11,5 hectare, and located about 1,200 meter above sea level. Because of the coolness and humidity around the lake moss and all kinds of trees grow, turns around the lake and tree branches protruding to the surface of the lake. Without roar of lake water and only surrounded dense of forest, it makes the atmosphere quiet and serene. All around only hear the chirping of all kinds of birds, the screams of monkeys, and other animals that giving the impression of this peaceful nature. Ranamese lake flanked by the two highest mountains in Manggarai area between Mount Mandosawu about 2,400 above sea level and Mount Ranaka about 2,140 above sea level. The location of Ranamese Lake in Golo Loni Village, to precise near the Trans Flores road on the Ruteng-Borong route. Can be reach about 35 minutes from the city of Ruteng and about 45 minutes from Borong as the capital city of East Manggarai.
On this writing has been presented about natural attractions in Manggarai area, including Sano Nggoang with the beauty of a crater lake, Lingko with its beauty of rice field looks like spider-web. Tengkulese with the beauty two levels of waterfall, and Ranamese with beauty of calm lake in the middle of forest.  So that what has been conveyed in the three natural tourist objects can be well known  by all readers, especially for the new generation of Manggarai to know about tourist attraction as one of the component to support the tourism aspect in Manggarai. Even more through this writing as to provide information for lovers of travelling about some of the magnificent natural attractions in Manggarai if one day they visit Manggarai.

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