Kamis, 02 Desember 2021

Born to Renewal

By, Febri Wengke
As humans who come and live on this earth exist if not through what is called birth. The reality of human life that develops from time to time is based on or begins with a birth term. In terms of birth is the presence of a new human in this world in the form of a baby born from the womb of a mother. According to the Indonesian Dictionary Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) that birth from the word birth is defined as coming out of the womb and appearing in the world or society. The birth of a baby has an impact starting from the feeling of the baby himself who feels he is in a new environment and atmosphere. Likewise, the feelings of both parents of the baby feel happy with the birth of their baby. It is also from birth that will make a whole what is called a family, forming a general family structure of father, mother, and children who are included with their respective responsibilities in living a good life.
Regarding the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Catholic faith, which is celebrated every December 25, which is commonly called Christmas Day. The birth of Jesus is a testament to the love of God the Father for his people, through the Virgin Mary who was conceived by the Holy Spirit. As quoted in the Gospel of Luke 1:30-33, the angel said to her: “Do not be afraid, O Mary, for you have grace before God. Behold, you will conceive and give birth to a son, and you must name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the son of the Most High God. And the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father. He will be king over the house of Jacob forever, and the kingdom will have no end.” This is one of the greatest works of God the Father to send Jesus Christ into the world. Mother Mary can also reflect on her belief and obedience to God, so that Mother Mary is trusted by God to realize His work of sending Jesus who is full of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was born as God's mission to be present in the midst of human life which has an impact on true happiness for all his people. Jesus was born to provide a new atmosphere for the lives of his people, where the lives of his people are full of sin, oppression, poverty, illness, disease, paralysis, and other forms of suffering. It will all be renewed with salvation by the birth and presence of Jesus Christ.
Thus the birth of Jesus will also bring people closer to God. Because of the negligence of man himself who plunged his life into the darkness of sin that had occurred from the time of Adam and Eve. Continuing what is told in the gospel of Matthew 3;2, namely the statement of John the Baptist "repent for the kingdom of God is at hand," it is used as a plan brought by Jesus from God to reveal the kingdom of God in the midst of mankind. So God, through Jesus Christ, was sent to direct people to the way of God and show the Kingdom of God. The mission was carried out with repentance and because of Jesus' love for his people, He was willing to be ransomed on the cross to save his people. By interpreting the birth of Jesus not only to boast, that no matter how many times of suffering and sin there will be Jesus who saves and redeems, but the birth of Jesus as a view and meaning to renew oneself to be more alert, restrained, and more self-control to live better.
As has been said before that the birth of Jesus Christ as a meaning for renewal, which will also give a broad meaning of renewal for human life. Interpreting the birth of Jesus in human attitudes that were previously full of negative attitudes such as stealing, gambling, drug addiction, drunkenness, harassment of women, and other negative attitudes. From these negative attitudes that must be abandoned, then give birth to new attitudes that will be renewed with faith and deepening the birth of Jesus will also have an impact on the birth of positive attitudes such as diligently praying to grow faith, reading and contemplating the holy book as a view to realize themselves, actively studying and working to benefit themselves and others, respecting each other, serving, maintaining peace, and other positive attitudes.
Through the meaning of the birth of Jesus, hope for the current condition of human life that is being hit by the corona virus will be restored and renewed with a safe and healthy life. Interpreting the birth of Jesus so that intolerance, terrorism, oppression will be renewed with the presence of peace and security for life together. Poverty and paralysis through the meaning of the birth of Jesus will be renewed with the arrival of fortune and healing. The hope for these reforms can be combined with the meaning of the turn of the year, from 2021 to the new year of 2022. Like a new year that always gives a new atmosphere, even though the cycle of time runs the same and life's situations do not change. Creating a new atmosphere that gives meaning and tries to implement it in life, in the form of new hope, new determination, new plans, new enthusiasm, and so on. May the same spirit grow and develop in spirituality as an important aspect and center of life as a whole human being. So that it can provide a balanced emphasis between body and soul.
Therefore, it can be concluded that birth is not only to present new humans, but will also bring renewal in the life journey of the human being who was born himself and other humans around him. In connection with commemorating the birth of Jesus, it is more interpreted with the birth of a new attitude that is good and right, worthy and appropriate for humans and the birth for the renewal of the state of human life.

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5 Destinasi Wisata Yang Wajib Dikunjungi di Labuan Bajo Selain ke Pulau Komodo

  Penulis; Febri Wengke (keindahan kota pelabuhan Labuan Bajo dihiasi puluhan kapal yang mengambang, sumber; dokumentasi pribadi) Kegemara...