Sabtu, 05 Maret 2022

Penti and Pa'u Tuak Curu in Manggarai Tribe

By, Febri Wengke

The term Manggarai is not a foreign thing for us Indonesian people because the term Manggarai names two places that we often hear, including in Jakarta, there is a train station called Satsiun Manggarai and one is in East Nusa Tenggara, precisely on the western part of Flores island, namely the Manggarai tribe which covers three districts. namely East Manggarai, Manggarai, and West Manggarai. Apart from that, this section specifically discusses the Manggarai tribe which is one of the tribes carried by the Manggarai people from the three districts mentioned above. This time the author discusses two traditional events owned by the people of the Manggarai tribe, including "Penti" and "Pa'u Tuak Curu."


Penti is an annual event held by residents from several villages in Manggarai. Penti is held in November, as an event of gratitude to God who has been passed down from generation to generation for the harvest that has been obtained. Apart from being a ceremony for the harvest, Penti is also held to celebrate togetherness or strengthen peace between villagers. So every Penti celebration event, all village residents gather together to celebrate Penti, both those who live in the village and those who live in other villages or other areas are called to join in the Penti event. The ceremonies that are united in the Penti celebration include; offerings to God and ancestors "teing hang", the ritual of inviting ancestral spirits and cleansing of the "barong wae" spring, the ritual of inviting the spirit of the gardener "barong lodok", the togetherness dance "cogka sae" and traditional games or matches using the whip"caci."

Pa'u Tuak Curu

Pa'u Tuak Curu is one of the habits of the Manggarai people in welcoming guests who visit a village. This method is done as an expression of gratitude to God that the visiting person arrived safely. Also as a tribute to the welcome for their presence. It is said that Pa'u Tuak Curu is usually held for the arrival of the kings in Manggarai. Because of the development of human civilization, the royal system no longer exists. So now the Pa'u Tuak Curu event is held, if there are high-ranking government guests such as the President, Minister, Governor, Regent and religious officials such as Bishops and Pastors or Priests. Aside from being a respect, this custom is also done to give a reflection, that the arrival of the guest is accepted and provides comfort.

These are two events of Manggarai tribe as Penti and Pa,u Tuak Curu that author purpose on this specific part of writing. hopefully useful for those read and if anyone else who know more about these two events, the criticism and suggestion are welcome to discuss.

#tribe #manggarai #penti #pa,u tuak curu #travellover #travelblogger

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