Senin, 28 September 2020

An Analyzing of Phonological in German and English Language

By, Febri Wengke
Language is a human effort through signal of think from what the human feel as into the sound by some of the words, so as become a language that human use in daily life. Likewise Aitchison have state that “the specialized sound signaling system which seems to be genetically programed to develop in humans” (Aitchison, 1992).  Language as the primary thing that using by the human in a life on how the human interaction with the others. Language that kind of communicate to interaction in between the humans. In using the language, one of the thing that to understand is phonology on how to sound each of the initial word in a language. So as phonology is to study about sound patterns. This writing as to analyze the phonotactics in phonological of German and English language.
Phonotactics  which in a language the smallest unit in a word that permissible to combine in order to give the meaning of word that sounded. In German has initial consonant cluster of gn, as in gnade = grace and gnadenlos = merciless, that in German are pronounced as they are written. Meanwhile in English does not have the initial sound sequence gn. But in English words has initial gn that in  the words like; gnawing and gnarly that words are spelled with gn, but letter g is not pronounced in words. On the other hand, English has initial cluster as not part of consonant that not normally occur in German as example in initial sk ‘skill’, ‘sky’ and in initial st ‘study’, ‘stay’. In German word initial sk as in ‘skonto’ = cash credit and st as in ‘statt’ = instead of, that initials are not normally pronounced in German, but that initials are pronounced in German as if they began with shk and sht. 
In this case even some the language have same initial at the permissible combination, but they have different to sound. As in German and English language even they have same initial at permissible combinations of gn, sk, st. But as in Phonology aspect they have different into sound the initials, so as not occur each other.  Which as permissible combinations in German with initial gn all the letters sounded, but in English initial gn was not all the letters sounded as in letter g. In the other hand, permissible combination in English with initial st was all the letters sounded as not to skip one. But in German initial st must to take another letter to sound it, as in sht. Through the analyze phonology aspect of German and English language, that can be understood to effectively sounds the initial at the permissible combinations on one words while to communication.

Aitchison, 1992, Teach Yourself Linguistics, 4th ed, British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.

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