Jumat, 24 September 2021

Good Father

By, Febri Wengke

I have fondest memories were me and my father was travel to opposite of our village, that village was named Laja village. We have taken walk about an hour from our village named Lingko Cara village, that where we lived. Me and my father were not only to have fun travel, also have to sell the sarong, especially traditional sarong of Manggarai. I love my father so much, his name Petrus Parut. But lovely he was passed away seven years ago, when I was fifteen years old.

One day before my father was dead. I have travelled with him to Laja village, to sell the traditional sarong of Manggarai.

“Hi son, would you like to accompany me to sell the sarong to Laja village today?” He asks me.

“Sure, I would go. Let’s go!” I exclaimed and I was happy. Arrived in Laja village, we were travelling around that village. We were come in one by one each of the houses in Laja village. That was the fondest memories, when the last time me as traveling with my father. Every householder of the houses in Laja village that I and my father came in accepted with very politely. Actually some of the people in Laja village have known well about my father, were they have heard from the others in that village were how kindness of my father. Once we were came in to one of the house in Laja village me and my father was promoted our sarong, the householder were we coming served me and my father by Manggarai coffee and cooked corns. Also the householder talked back to us, how the others have said about the kindness of my father. Until in the end of our promoted of sarong there into that householder, he were not buy our sarong. After some of houses in Laja village were we came in, the householder was the same as not to buy our sarong. But one lasted the householder were we came in, he bayed our sarong and he was took one sarong. But the payment was only to pay the deposit of selling price, the rest of payment that householder will pay, when me and my father comeback to Laja village.

“Mr. Petrus let me take one of your sarongs and at the moment I have only to pay you the deposit of that sarong. Would you? The rest I will pay, when you and your son comeback here to sell the sarong again.” The householder asks and suggests my father.

It was funny and the fondest memories of me,”hihihi……”

Sure, I was laugh on that moment.

“No problem and don’t worry about that, I will come back here to get the rest of the payment.” My father pities him.

“I suggest you for the rest of payment, as not you have to pay by money, but you can change my sarong with something that you have includes; corns, machete, rice, whatever you have. Would you?” My father suggests the householder.

“Okay, I agree with your idea. I have machete, corns, and rice. Which one that you want?” The householder refers.

“I need one machete and two kilograms of corns.” My father decides it.

On that time they were hold with and the householder was changed the rest of payment with one machete and two kilograms corns. My father was accepted it and he was really like the machete. After that, me and my father back home and on the way I was carried the machete and corns.

My father was not to force peoples to pay his sarong with money. Even though only in the form of other objects as to change my father’s merchandises, those other peoples gave as payment, something like barter. My father still accepted it as long as it could still be useful.

I love my father so much, he was so kindness and the men who hard work. He was teach me not only words, also he was shown me the actions on how he did to be kindness and as the hard worker. All I have seen and feel from all the goodness, he had given me in part of my life were I have lived with my father. And that could be even more, if he still alive with me.

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