Jumat, 19 Maret 2021

Social Media Influence the People Life

By, Febri Wengke

Understanding of Social Media how influences people’s life, nowadays on the people’s life which is people’s life like addicted by social media. Give impacts the people’s life into two side of life between cyberspace lives versus real life. Basically, tend to instruct people into cyberspace life. True happen nowadays on people’s life, with all of improvement of technological as instruct of that social media such as computer, phone, notebook, television, radio etc.
Social media are interactive computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks. The variety of stand-alone and built-in social media services currently available introduces challenges of definition; however, there are some common feature Facebook, Line, WhatsApp, WeChat, Instagram, G mail, Messenger, Twitter, YouTube, etc.
Discussion about influences of Social Media on people’s life, as following;
Positive Influences
Regarding of social media as being part of people’s life are able to access any kinds of information easily. There is no difficulty to communicate, there no barrier to interact with the others even from another country. Furthermore, such as;
Social media can be used to educate young people.
Social media can be used as a voice of reason in society.
Social media has enabled more young people to be creative and innovative.
Social media has given teens the ability to hone different skills that are important in the real world.
Social media gives teens skills to become more confident and independent.

Negative Influences
Let’s explore the darker side of social media and exactly how (and why) it’s bad for you. You’ll be surprised to learn the negative influences of social media are both physical and mental. It can change your perception of the world and yourself, and not always for the better. Furthermore, such as;
Depression and anxiety
Cyber bullying
FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
Unrealistic expectations
Negative body image
Unhealthy sleep patterns
General addiction

Solve the addicted of social media, it cannot be denied that technology and social media have revolutionized the way people communicate and socialized. Not only is it widely used by the millennial, many social media platforms are now being used by various groups of diverse ages. Because, not a few people who are had bad impact to social media, causing various problems in their lives. Then, how do you overcome the addicted of social media?
Expand socialization in real life
Limit its use
Find activities that are more useful
Use wisely
Focus on people around you
Turn of notification

The discussion above can be Conclude that nowadays on people’s life, which part of people’s life tent to cyberspace life. That not in spite of all the emergence of various kinds of social medias such as Facebook, Line, WhatsApp, Instagram, WeChat, G mail, Messenger, Twitter, YouTube, etc. That all kinds of social medias, which being part of the most important thing in people’s lives, which will be effect on positive and negative impacts in the community. Because of people’s who had abuse and being addicted on that social media, there are the way too to solve it such as expand socialization in real life, limit its use, find activities that are more useful, use wisely, focus on people around you, turn of notification.

2 komentar:

  1. Nice explanation Mate.
    Social Media will bring something good or bad to our lifes, it depends how we use it.

    Peace Out .
    Keep writing the good content


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