Selasa, 27 Oktober 2020

Tourism Is an Ever Growing Industry

By, Febri Wengke

Tourism is a process where the people who would like to move from the place their living to the other place as tourism place, that tourism place are they would like to see the beautifully of that tourism object and to do refresh, cause of fatigue due to work that is so dense. In this case, specifically to the people who stay in the urban area. Which they have so busy on their working, that make them   being tired and even stressed. And even for the people who stay outside of the city, that they want to go to the other places as travel to know the new beauty, as apart from what they have feel in their village. Likewise, Suwantoro have state that, “Tourism is a temporary process of trust from someone or more towards another place outside of his place of residence for a reason and not for committing a departure that makes money”(Suwantoro, 1997). On developing of tourism being Tourism Industry. Especially Indonesia, which is tourism industry that very rapidly growing on developing of Indonesian economy. Mostly, some of percentage in Indonesian economy growing, it very supporting from the tourism aspect. Based on the data of Culture and Tourism Minister of Indonesia from 2009 until 2019, that tourism have donated the foreign exchange for 18 billion (, 2018). This is proves that the strength of the tourism industry in supporting economic growth in Indonesia. On this writing will talking about, the components of tourism being tourism industry and the benefits of tourism industry for individuals and society.

Talking about tourism industry, that’s cannot be separated from the components that conducted on tourism industry considering the form of give the convenience to the tourist who would travel to the tourism place or tourism object, such as; tourist attraction, transportation, accommodation and the place to eat. Likewise on Nesa have state that “the main facilities are needed in tourism industry, such as; hotels, restaurants, transportations, travel agents, and attractions” (Nesa, 2018). In the form of tourism industry, tourist attraction is one of the component that give role in motivating and becoming the main attraction factor for tourist in determining their destination. The tourist attraction is based on natural resources and manmade results, some of which include; natural beauty, historical places, monuments, zoos, theme parks, museums, national parks, agro tourism, cultural tour, tourist village, and marine tourism. The connection of tourism industry with transportation. Which is primary aspect that transfer for the people who to move for travel from their origin place. Even more to streamline their travel time. In general, there are kinds of transportation that mostly needed in tourism, such as; motorbike, car, bus, airplane, train, and boat. Then in connection with accommodation, which is very helpful for the person who to travel. Especially, the tourist who take travel that is quite far from origin place that take travel more than one day, which they must to stay overnight. Also the tourist that would like to visit the tourism destination that they want, and plan for stay overnight for few days, considering feel that the tourist destination is suitable for them. Therefore, this is where the main role of accommodation to facilitate tourist who are forced to stay, considering their trip is too far away. Or indeed want to stay longer to enjoy more about tourism destination that they visit. In this case, as for the types of accommodation that are generally desired by those who travel, such as; hotels, villas, resorts, bungalows, apartments, homestay, etc. As well as places to eat, such as; restaurants, stalls, cafes, and other types of eating places. In relation to the tourism industry, some places to eat are needed by tourists who do travel. Basically, food is one of the human needs, which cannot be separated from human life. In addition to adding energy to the body, more that most of tourist want to try new tastes and pleasure to eat at tourist destinations. Generally, they want it on culinary tours.

On the case of the benefits of tourism industry for the individuals and society life. Through on three of component above on tourism industry, that tourism industry as one of the aspect to support the developing of economy in Indonesia. Tourism industry as one of the type of product character is service. Its connection with the three components above is very close in the terms of services, among others through; tours and travel services, transportation services, accommodation services, restaurant services and other eating places. Through to the first benefits of tourism industry for the individuals. It’s bring good impact for the people who want to wrestle in tourism. As for some of the benefits, such as; there will opportunity to build business on hotel services, transportation services, tour travel services, restaurant services, and SPA services. Considering with that business, it can create more jobs. And it will be a great opportunity for students who study about tourism, in the terms of their work when they will finish of their school later on. They can adjust into the some of job prospects, there are can be a tour guide, receptionist, waiter, chef, housekeeping, etc. Likewise, “creating a variety of employment opportunities, and establishing various kinds of business that can support the object of tourism to be better and more attractive” (Tyaminozz, 2013).

In the benefits of tourism industry for the society. Which is the society will be active to develop their culture in order to attract interest the tourist to visit the culture of society. Also there will be a sustainable system to improve cultural tourism. As for cultural tourism, among others; tradition, religion, how to dress, dance, shape of building and arts. In this case, cultural tourism is unique for the tourists who want to see cultural differences. More specifically in Indonesia that has thousands of different culture of differences culture from each of islands that exists. Then through tourism industry, it is very encouraging and profitable for the society to develop the culture. Cultural development by the society as a driver to lift the image of a nation that is rich in culture with all its own uniqueness from every region in Indonesia. Also the society will encouraged to foster a sense of love for the country by maintain the own culture in the eyes of world, through the visitor who coming and that culture will not ruinous. Like on Arjana have state that, “the original and traditional culture that have unique need to be preserved because it is a reliable asset has an attraction for tourist” (Arjana, 2015, p.169).

In this case can be conclude, that on tourism through the impact of tourist where to travel.  With their needed on their travel are cover all tourism components, such as; tourist attraction, accommodation, transportation, and eating place. Considering of those components, tourism being a tourism industry and as an aspect for country through give benefits for individuals even for society. It’s give good impact on support the developing of our country through economy and community empowerment.  Therefore, tourism industry as not only talking about the happiness of a travel, but there more to give great influence and good in the development of the nation.   

Suwantoro, 1997
Kementrian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata 2018 
Nesa, 2018
Tiyaminozz, 2013
Arjana, I Gusti Bagus, 2015, Geografi Pariwisata Dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Jakarta: Rajawali Pers,                       

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