Jumat, 30 April 2021

Book Report on King Arthur Story

By, Febri Wengke

On this session of book report with the title of the book is King Arthur. Written by Janet Hardy-Gould, who born in United Kingdom. She was a graded reader author whose books are hugely popular with teachers and students around the world. She has written a wide range of graded readers for Oxford University Press. These include Ellis Island: Rosalia's Story (Oxford Dominoes) which won the Extensive Reading Foundation (ERF) award in 2020 and Merlin (Oxford Dominoes) which won the ERF award in 2015, plus Amelia Earhart (Oxford Bookworms Library) which was shortlisted for the ERF final in 2015. Find her writing on website https://www.janethardy-gould.com/. Most of the genres of her books such as Children'sHistoryClassics.

King Arthur was the first date of publication on 2000 in Oxford. Book worms for this edition 2008 in Oxford University Press, the genre of medieval romance. Beginning by the magician was named Merlin dreaming about the king of England whose name Arthur. Merlin makes magic stone and puts a sword in it. The only true king who be able to pull out the sword. Accidently there was a boy can do it, and then he became a king which name Arthur.


·         Arthur ( a king of England, the strongest and wise king)

·         Merlin ( Magician and the King Arthur’s supervisor)

·         Guinevere (beautiful queen of King Arthur)

·         Morgan (half-sister of king Arthur, who can see the future)

·         Modred (Morgan’s son, sly, and who desire be king)

·         Lancelot (the strongest man and the first knight of round table)

·         Gwain (the strongest soldier and as the true friend of King Arthur)

The setting of place, the history was happened in England, the most specific place tells in the story, such as in Castle of Camelot, the villages, town, lake. Meanwhile setting of time the story was happened on year 650. Most of the story happened in morning and evening.

The conflicts were because of no king in England, no one to lead the people. There was battle everywhere. The magic man was named Merlin dream about the true king. Through his magic to make competition. He put the sword into the stone, as who can pull out the sword, he can be a king of England. There was a boy who can pull out the sword from stone. The people around were shocked and they was glad that they have a King. By the times Merlin advises the King Arthur and after four years become strongest and wise king. Upon of lead the King Arthur they were never lost in every battle. One day King Arthur wanted to marry a girl who become queen named Guienevere. But Merlin do not approve, because Merlin see the trouble in future, if Guinevere become queen of King Arthur. Even more Morgan see the unhappy future between King Arthur and Guinevere. However the desire of King Arthur can’t stop. King Arthur and Guinevere live together in new Castle of Camelot, while Merlin has to leave and turn over the magic sword to King Arthur. Through the competition Lanchelot as the winner and become the first knight of the round table. A night Morgan and her son Modred come to Camelot and stay for weeks, with the secret Morgan and Modred see the Future of King Arthur’s dead. Modred incite the King Arthur, if Lanchelot often together and in love. Even more Modred provoke the King Arthur to fight Lanchelot. After a week in the other village King Arthur wanted to fight Lanchelot, but he didn’t want to fight King Arthur as friend and Lanchelot just want talk to finish the problem. Accidently a news from a soldier, if Modred take over the King in Camelot and Modred put the queen in the prison. King Arthur and Lanchelot forget their fight, and then they was together to fight Modred. But King Arthur was lost and soreness by the Modred. After that Lanchelot come to help King Arthur and fight to Modred, on the fighting Modred die upon Lanchelot hand. In the end King Arthur hand over the king and queen to Lanchelot. Then Merlin pick up King Arthur and gone over the water.

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