Senin, 28 September 2020

An Analyzing of Phonological in German and English Language

By, Febri Wengke
Language is a human effort through signal of think from what the human feel as into the sound by some of the words, so as become a language that human use in daily life. Likewise Aitchison have state that “the specialized sound signaling system which seems to be genetically programed to develop in humans” (Aitchison, 1992).  Language as the primary thing that using by the human in a life on how the human interaction with the others. Language that kind of communicate to interaction in between the humans. In using the language, one of the thing that to understand is phonology on how to sound each of the initial word in a language. So as phonology is to study about sound patterns. This writing as to analyze the phonotactics in phonological of German and English language.
Phonotactics  which in a language the smallest unit in a word that permissible to combine in order to give the meaning of word that sounded. In German has initial consonant cluster of gn, as in gnade = grace and gnadenlos = merciless, that in German are pronounced as they are written. Meanwhile in English does not have the initial sound sequence gn. But in English words has initial gn that in  the words like; gnawing and gnarly that words are spelled with gn, but letter g is not pronounced in words. On the other hand, English has initial cluster as not part of consonant that not normally occur in German as example in initial sk ‘skill’, ‘sky’ and in initial st ‘study’, ‘stay’. In German word initial sk as in ‘skonto’ = cash credit and st as in ‘statt’ = instead of, that initials are not normally pronounced in German, but that initials are pronounced in German as if they began with shk and sht. 
In this case even some the language have same initial at the permissible combination, but they have different to sound. As in German and English language even they have same initial at permissible combinations of gn, sk, st. But as in Phonology aspect they have different into sound the initials, so as not occur each other.  Which as permissible combinations in German with initial gn all the letters sounded, but in English initial gn was not all the letters sounded as in letter g. In the other hand, permissible combination in English with initial st was all the letters sounded as not to skip one. But in German initial st must to take another letter to sound it, as in sht. Through the analyze phonology aspect of German and English language, that can be understood to effectively sounds the initial at the permissible combinations on one words while to communication.

Aitchison, 1992, Teach Yourself Linguistics, 4th ed, British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.

Jumat, 11 September 2020

The Magnificent Natural Attractions in Manggarai

By, Febri Wengke

Talking about tourist attraction which Manggarai is one of the area that offer the nature magnificent that still isolated and preserved. The Manggarai area precise located in western part of Flores Island, East Nusa Tenggara Province. On the government system Manggarai area separate into three regencies such as West Manggarai, Central Manggarai, and East Manggarai. Similar with the magnificent of natural tourist attraction in other area, also Manggarai offer the magnificent of natural tourist attraction such as ocean, small islands, rice fields, mountains, lakes, waterfalls, etc. On this writing offer to explain the magnificent nature tourist attraction in Manggarai area, especially the magnificent of lakes, rice field, and waterfall. Among them Sano Nggoang Crater Lake in West Manggarai, Lingko Rice Field and Tengkulese Waterfall in Central Manggarai, and Ranamese Lake in East Manggarai.

Sano Nggoang
 (picture source; @firman_photography)
Sano Nggoang is one of the natural tourist object offer the magnificent of volcanic crater lake, that one of the depth lakes in the world about 600 meter located at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level. From its name Sano means lake and Nggoang means flaming, so Sano Nggoang is Flaming Lake, but not the fact of this lake has clear and cool views.  This lake has highly level of sulfur, so that make some of the visitor who come for a while soak themselves in the freshness of lake water. Even more there is natural sulfuric hot spring to take a time for trying therapeutic mud spa treatment.  There some of the local people who had horse that can be rented for a while enjoy the view of Volcanic Mount Sano Nggoang. Where the located of Sano Nggoang lake in between Sano Nggoang Village and Wae Sano Village, Sano Nggoang Sub district, West Manggarai. About 63 kilometer or 3 hours drive from Labuan Bajo  a small port town on the western part of Flores Island and as the capital city of West Manggarai.

(picture source; @wonderfulfloresid)
Lingko rice field is the big circle designed to the rice fields, that as one of the tourist object with the magnificent view of rice field that looks like spider-web. Lingko Rice Field owned by the one ‘wa’u’ or family in one ‘beo’ or village, which Lingko formed from the center as called ‘Lodok’ until outside line as the border of one Lingko is called ‘Cicing. The Lingko system serves as equitable justice to distribute fields to each of family member or tribe in one village. The uniqueness of Lingko rice fields is due to the Lingko system which is customary system and only exists in Manggarai area. There are several name of Lingko rice fields, such as; Lingko Molo, Lingko Meler, Lingko Ndung, Lingko Lindang, Lingko Temek, Lingko Purang Pane, Lingko Sepe, and Lingko Wae Toso.The Lingko rice fields located in Cancar village, Ruteng District. From Labuan Bajo as one of tourism destination drive to Lingko Rice Field can be reach about four hours by bus. Even more from Ruteng as  the capital city of Manggarai Regency to Lingko Rice Field can be reach about one hour drive to the western part of Ruteng, take by local transportation called ‘bemo’. In Cancar Village there is Weol hill, from the gate walk about hundred meter to the top of hill, that  the visitor can enjoy view of Lingko rice field. 

 (picture source; @arkadewa_flores)
Tengkulese as in local people called Cunca Lega is one of the magnificent tourist attractions that offer two levels of waterfall, deal for adventure seekers and explorers. Around waterfall there are includes the exotic view of rice field, jungle, river, and rocks that offer the natural impression. The flow of the Tengkulese waterfall is very beneficial for the surrounding community to irrigate rice fields and other types of agricultural plants. The access from the main road as the gate to start trekking take about 1 hour, it promises an attractive mix of trekking and the swimming in the amazingly cool water of a cascading that flows at the foot of waterfall. Tengkulese waterfall where located at the name of its Tengkulese Village, North Rahong subdistrict. Take a car or motorbike reach about 1 hour drive from Ruteng as the capital city of Manggarai.

(picture source: @lilianyoman)
Ranamese is one of the tourist attraction offer the magnificent view of calming lake surrounding by rainforest. The lake depth about 43 meter, around 11,5 hectare, and located about 1,200 meter above sea level. Because of the coolness and humidity around the lake moss and all kinds of trees grow, turns around the lake and tree branches protruding to the surface of the lake. Without roar of lake water and only surrounded dense of forest, it makes the atmosphere quiet and serene. All around only hear the chirping of all kinds of birds, the screams of monkeys, and other animals that giving the impression of this peaceful nature. Ranamese lake flanked by the two highest mountains in Manggarai area between Mount Mandosawu about 2,400 above sea level and Mount Ranaka about 2,140 above sea level. The location of Ranamese Lake in Golo Loni Village, to precise near the Trans Flores road on the Ruteng-Borong route. Can be reach about 35 minutes from the city of Ruteng and about 45 minutes from Borong as the capital city of East Manggarai.
On this writing has been presented about natural attractions in Manggarai area, including Sano Nggoang with the beauty of a crater lake, Lingko with its beauty of rice field looks like spider-web. Tengkulese with the beauty two levels of waterfall, and Ranamese with beauty of calm lake in the middle of forest.  So that what has been conveyed in the three natural tourist objects can be well known  by all readers, especially for the new generation of Manggarai to know about tourist attraction as one of the component to support the tourism aspect in Manggarai. Even more through this writing as to provide information for lovers of travelling about some of the magnificent natural attractions in Manggarai if one day they visit Manggarai.

Rabu, 02 September 2020

The Lingko Tradition in Dividing Land of Manggarai Tribe

By, Febri Wengke
    Manggarai is one of the tribes that found in Indonesia. Precisely in the eastern part of Indonesia, namely the island of Flores which as part of the East Nusa Tenggara Province. The Manggarai tribe is particular in the western part of Flores island, where the government system is dividing into three districts including West Manggarai, Central Manggarai(Manggarai), and East Manggarai. The inheritance of Manggarai’s land makes it different from other areas in Flores Island. Due to the fertility of Manggarai soil, most of the people hold on to their livelihoods as farmers. Therefore, from their ancestor until now the Manggarai area is the only area that has applied the Lingko Tradition to their plantation areas. The tradition of Lingko by the ancestor of the Manggarai community is believed to be a system of equitable distribution of plantation land, which the Manggarai community applies to wet plantation areas (rice field) and to dry plantations. 
     Lingko is a tradition of the Manggarai community in general as terms of forming wet and dry plantation areas. This is Lingko tradition with forming of the circle plantation that looks like spider web. Lingko has centered at the central point that named “Lodok” and it has border outside as named “Cicing”. From the ancestor until now the Manggarai communities believe that with the Lingko system to their plantation as the equitable system. As the implementation of the Manggarai term is “Gendang One Lingko Pe’ang”, which is ‘Gendang” as the traditional house of Manggarai community that can be lived together and “Lingko” itself as the plantation area that can be possessed by together of community in one village “beo/golo”. One of the rice field plantation area that applied Lingko system is Cancar rice field plantation, located in Manggarai Regency which because the uniqueness of Lingko, it become well known in world. In Cancar rice field plantation has some of the Lingko such as; Lingko Molo, Lingko Meler, Lingko Ndung, Lingko Lindang, Lingko Temek, Lingko Purang Pane, Lingko Sepe, and Lingko Wae Toso. From the stretch of the Lingko, the goverment has made the Lingko rice fields a tourist attraction because of its uniqueness which resembles a spider_web.
     The tradition of Lingko to dividing land as the trusted of Manggarai community since the ancestor lived in Manggarai which the Lingko distribute from central or central dividing as named Lodok. At the central of Lodok have to perform a traditional ceremony namely ‘Tente’ as before the rice field distribute. The Tente ceremony is the praying and offering to the ancestor as to thanks giving and ask the blessing to the creation of Lingko. On the ceremony of Tente was done by offerings the slaughtering as one of the sacrificial animals, like goats and chickens. After the thanks giving and offerings ceremony, the Teno wood ‘haju teno’ was planted at the central Lodok which has been proved. Then with the Moso formula or finger formula which to dividing the field on Lingko has made with pull the ‘wase’ or rope that has been tied to the teno wood, pull the rope from the center to the ‘cicing’ or outer boundary of Lingko. Field that on the Lingko divided based on the number of families or ‘Wa’u’ who live in one ‘beo’ or village. Even so in the division of fields in one Lingko through customs which get the largest share of the fields are Tu’a Teno and Tu’a Golo. As for people from other village ‘beo’ who want to obtain one fields in Lingko with customary condition through requests to Tu’a Golo and Tu’a Teno and offering a rooster and typical Manggarai drink ‘tuak’ which is in the Manggarai term is “kapu manuk lele tuak” then do the meeting according to the custom. The ones who have the authority to lead the division process in the Lingko are Tu’a Golo as the head of customary in one village and Tu’a Teno as the head of the land management division for the villagers. In which Tu’a Golo and Tu’a Teno have been chosen based on deliberation with the term ‘lonto leok’ in the customary system of one village since ‘hese beo’ or when  the village was founded, then the position continues to be passed down on to their children and grandchildren.
     From the way of Manggarai people life that most of the people hold on agricultural aspect as the way to continuing the life. Therefore, agricultural areas are urgently needed, which is also highly supported by fertile conditions of the Manggarai area and very suitable for farming. Thus from their ancestor until now the Lingko tradition has been preserved when the Manggarai people want to open new land. On the Lingko plantation system by the Manggarai community believe that representation of equal life in togetherness as the Manggarai people who lived in one village ‘beo’/’golo’. Moreover the Lingko tradition applied on Manggarai people’s plantation. As the form of stability to maintain kinship relations because they have part of the fields in the same Lingko.

Flores Magazine, 2013

Selasa, 02 Juni 2020

The Importance of Studying English

By, Febri Wengke

English is an international language that to make unite the nations in the world and as the language to use in communication with the people from another country that we can say language to combine all the differences in the world. Now and on this globalization era, which some of every country in world have to learn English for their community. Even more English already as the official language of about 50 countries in the world, those are in the European and American continents and some in Asia. In this writing we are going to relate the important of English to use on some aspects in our life, such as economy, tourism, and technology aspect.
In economy aspect, considering that English is an international language used by wider community. This concern to the business for extent of trade and marketing. Because of there are many new products, which created by every country in the world. Also about investment, it is so many entrepreneurs or private companies that want to invest to the other country. The main of that all is English communication on how the people working in that kind of things being effective on their business communication with the other people who would like to corporate in business, even to communication with their consumer.
In tourism aspect, specifically we are talking about Indonesia as our own country. Which in our country as one of the countries that have large tourism destinations, that make thousands of visitor or the people who already know the interesting of tourism destination in Indonesia being droves to visit the tourism destination in Indonesia. The visitor who from another country mostly using English, they are also realized that international language, which they are coming to Indonesia must in English. How about we are as householder of their coming? We must also in English while we are accepting and give the service for them. This is specially talking about who working in tourism service, such as tour guide, tour and travel agency, accommodation, restaurant, etc. the basis of all to be carried out smoothly and safely that we must in English, even more communication to change the other information. Then when we would like to market and sell that tourism destinations, better we do it in English that make the world known the interesting of that tourism destination, through as English the international language to use.
In technology aspect, by using or mastering of English we have certainly be aware how to operate the technology. Specifically of this case is information technology as the computer, smartphone, internet, etc. Basically all types of work that exist now either like two aspect above economy and tourism in do that also use some of technology in which English based. English is very effective in providing who use technology on work parts. 
Base on economy, tourism, and technology aspect, that explained above English as the language of instruction to those aspects. Which is later on the people who have English skill can put yourself in several job prospects such as international marketer, entrepreneur, tour guide, receptionist, financial technology, ecommerce, etc. In essence with English skill we able to adjust our self and being part of globalization era. So as not to be marginalizing by the consequence of globalization today.

Minggu, 03 Mei 2020

The Importance of Studying Linguistics

By, Febri Wengke

Linguistics is the science to study about language. Study how systematically using the language bring that language communicatively when we implementation while we communication. Likewise Reefe have state that “Linguistics is the study of the nature of language and how people communicate using language” (Reefe, 2019). On linguistics there are sub study in language such as; phonetics (sounds classification), phonology (sounds system), syntax (arrangement of words and phrases), semantics (logic concern with meaning), pragmatics (deal with language in use and which it used) and morphology (structure of words). Talking about linguistics even another science, that there is the reason and importance why we must to take study about that sciences. In this writing there are three reasons of importance to studying linguistics.
In educational aspect is very important to study linguistic. Which every school in the world, especially in Indonesia, that very needed a teacher who conducted with the skill on linguistic. Through to the linguistic education for all the student as the generation of this country, it will give the understanding on how to use as the right way of language as to implementation when communicate with the other, as in bahasa “cara penggunaan bahasa yang baku” that easy to understand. Therefore the government requires every school to take the subject on linguistic as to learn languages into bring sustainable study of language.
Study linguistics is very important to the carrier, specifically to the our job. Because some of the jobs, that requires the ability to use the language. In the terms of the use and placement of words into a standard sentence that can be understood by the customers. As for some jobs that can be cultivated by who have skill in linguistics, among others; as a teacher or lecture, interpreter, translator, working in the publishing industry and advertising.
The importance of studying linguistics in the social life. That social life is the central on implementation the linguistics. Because through to the social human interaction with the other humans ensued. The basis of that interaction is by using language. Even there are kinds of language that used by the local community which also experienced with linguistics application, that have a good correct language systematics. By using appropriate or structured language, comfort and understanding will occur in the process of interaction within that society. 
This can be conclude that study linguistics is very importance in our life on how we using systematically of the language that became standard language. Using the standard language as to implementation through to the education, jobs and social. That can bring the communication even more narrative being well understood. As the essence of well interaction is become from systematic language that we use.
Reefe, 2019
Aitchison, 1992, Teach Yourself Linguistics, 4th ed, British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.

Why go to University?

By, Febri Wengke

It was one of the questioned that I have feel and I was always thanked. When I was graduated from senior high school, it was four years ago. One moment I was thanked, that go to University as one of the way to invest for myself to prepare the better future on my way of life. On this this writing, I would like to convey the reason I go to University. There are three main thinking, that’s why I want to go to University.
On the first thinking, that I go to University. I can learn more to be skillful on what I have chosen to do struggle on what I will become for my future. I could hold that skill through study in University that I join. Likewise the others, whatever University that you have chosen. As long as you think that University to help you learn more to being skillful on what you want to bring you to the better future. 
The second thinking, that I can do and gain into the some of jobs prospect, through the skill that I have learned more from University. It when I was graduated from University. For the example, if I am taking the foreign language faculty to study in University, latter on I can be a guide, interpreter, translator, receptionist, foreign language teacher, etc. Also, if I take economic faculty, latter on I can be banker, financial accounting on whatever the companies, economic teacher, etc. It can more jobs prospect that I can adjust. Also the others, you will be easy to adjust yourself to some of jobs prospect, on depend of skill you have learned from University that you chose as the faculty you have through.
For the third thinking, that I want to push myself to study more and always study. For me to go to University, besides to prepare my better future on what the person I will be in the future. Also I would like to use the rest of my life to study. So as not to waste part of my time a day. In additions to do my hobby, fun, even work on one day, and I go to University as I can learn more subjects from University. 
From three series of thoughts above, it can be conclude that the question of “Why go to University?” is one of the question for who student have finish their Senior High School. Even me, which I passed with that question. With the question “Why go to University?” we can get more perception through study in University, that for what we become better in the future, that we will easy to find jobs by using our skill. Also we can push our self to study more and will know more about many things in our life. So we use part of our time on one day with study, as useful things for ourselves. 

5 Destinasi Wisata Yang Wajib Dikunjungi di Labuan Bajo Selain ke Pulau Komodo

  Penulis; Febri Wengke (keindahan kota pelabuhan Labuan Bajo dihiasi puluhan kapal yang mengambang, sumber; dokumentasi pribadi) Kegemara...