Minggu, 03 Mei 2020

Why go to University?

By, Febri Wengke

It was one of the questioned that I have feel and I was always thanked. When I was graduated from senior high school, it was four years ago. One moment I was thanked, that go to University as one of the way to invest for myself to prepare the better future on my way of life. On this this writing, I would like to convey the reason I go to University. There are three main thinking, that’s why I want to go to University.
On the first thinking, that I go to University. I can learn more to be skillful on what I have chosen to do struggle on what I will become for my future. I could hold that skill through study in University that I join. Likewise the others, whatever University that you have chosen. As long as you think that University to help you learn more to being skillful on what you want to bring you to the better future. 
The second thinking, that I can do and gain into the some of jobs prospect, through the skill that I have learned more from University. It when I was graduated from University. For the example, if I am taking the foreign language faculty to study in University, latter on I can be a guide, interpreter, translator, receptionist, foreign language teacher, etc. Also, if I take economic faculty, latter on I can be banker, financial accounting on whatever the companies, economic teacher, etc. It can more jobs prospect that I can adjust. Also the others, you will be easy to adjust yourself to some of jobs prospect, on depend of skill you have learned from University that you chose as the faculty you have through.
For the third thinking, that I want to push myself to study more and always study. For me to go to University, besides to prepare my better future on what the person I will be in the future. Also I would like to use the rest of my life to study. So as not to waste part of my time a day. In additions to do my hobby, fun, even work on one day, and I go to University as I can learn more subjects from University. 
From three series of thoughts above, it can be conclude that the question of “Why go to University?” is one of the question for who student have finish their Senior High School. Even me, which I passed with that question. With the question “Why go to University?” we can get more perception through study in University, that for what we become better in the future, that we will easy to find jobs by using our skill. Also we can push our self to study more and will know more about many things in our life. So we use part of our time on one day with study, as useful things for ourselves. 

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