Selasa, 02 Juni 2020

The Importance of Studying English

By, Febri Wengke

English is an international language that to make unite the nations in the world and as the language to use in communication with the people from another country that we can say language to combine all the differences in the world. Now and on this globalization era, which some of every country in world have to learn English for their community. Even more English already as the official language of about 50 countries in the world, those are in the European and American continents and some in Asia. In this writing we are going to relate the important of English to use on some aspects in our life, such as economy, tourism, and technology aspect.
In economy aspect, considering that English is an international language used by wider community. This concern to the business for extent of trade and marketing. Because of there are many new products, which created by every country in the world. Also about investment, it is so many entrepreneurs or private companies that want to invest to the other country. The main of that all is English communication on how the people working in that kind of things being effective on their business communication with the other people who would like to corporate in business, even to communication with their consumer.
In tourism aspect, specifically we are talking about Indonesia as our own country. Which in our country as one of the countries that have large tourism destinations, that make thousands of visitor or the people who already know the interesting of tourism destination in Indonesia being droves to visit the tourism destination in Indonesia. The visitor who from another country mostly using English, they are also realized that international language, which they are coming to Indonesia must in English. How about we are as householder of their coming? We must also in English while we are accepting and give the service for them. This is specially talking about who working in tourism service, such as tour guide, tour and travel agency, accommodation, restaurant, etc. the basis of all to be carried out smoothly and safely that we must in English, even more communication to change the other information. Then when we would like to market and sell that tourism destinations, better we do it in English that make the world known the interesting of that tourism destination, through as English the international language to use.
In technology aspect, by using or mastering of English we have certainly be aware how to operate the technology. Specifically of this case is information technology as the computer, smartphone, internet, etc. Basically all types of work that exist now either like two aspect above economy and tourism in do that also use some of technology in which English based. English is very effective in providing who use technology on work parts. 
Base on economy, tourism, and technology aspect, that explained above English as the language of instruction to those aspects. Which is later on the people who have English skill can put yourself in several job prospects such as international marketer, entrepreneur, tour guide, receptionist, financial technology, ecommerce, etc. In essence with English skill we able to adjust our self and being part of globalization era. So as not to be marginalizing by the consequence of globalization today.

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5 Destinasi Wisata Yang Wajib Dikunjungi di Labuan Bajo Selain ke Pulau Komodo

  Penulis; Febri Wengke (keindahan kota pelabuhan Labuan Bajo dihiasi puluhan kapal yang mengambang, sumber; dokumentasi pribadi) Kegemara...