Rabu, 20 Oktober 2021

The Fun of Childhood When Stealing Corn

By, Febri Wengke

Picture source; Brilio.net

When I was childhood, the most I knew how the world is. It was started when I am 4 years old. On that moment I have begun found so many friends. Especially in my village, there are my friends that I still remember Ignas, Ocen and Rino, we have got in the same school that is Wae Belang Elementary School. When we were at the classroom, we are actively during the lessons, no one no focus on during the study. Because of that we have similar principal that is “the study is the bridge for the better future”.

Once upon the time where we go out to the estate, as our plan when we have finished the lessons. The reason that to filch the fruits, cassavas, and corns. We were going to Lalang area most of plantations, which planted by estate owner, even though we don’t know whoever they are. That was not so far from our village. We were enjoyed walking through rice fields and river.

“Hi…guys come here and look at there! There are so many corns”, Ignas said.

Then me and our friends Ocen also Rino comes to Ignas was standing, there happened there are so many corns, how we are so amazed when look at the corns.

“Wahh… They’re so nice I just would like take only three corns”, I said.

“No, I would like to take more then you, I would take ten corns because some of that I would bring it to home”, Ocen said.

I was going inside the corns plantation through the right side, and also my partner Rino he just to follow me.

“I know with you will be save”, Rino said.

“Huss…don’t be noise! Just to walk it slowly and look around”, I stressed.

Then Ignas and Ocen go through the left side. While we were taking the corns, someone from the corner of the estate was scream.

“Hay…What are you doing there???” he asked loud.

That’s estate owner screamed, we were straightly shut up on that scream and nobody do something it’s like a statue.

When I look at Rino, he was really square and began to shaking.

I were scream back to that people, because I didn’t know who is he?

“Yeah. . . Who are you?” I ask him. “We just want to take some of these corns”, I stressed on what he ask to us.

“Ohh... Thief!”

“Don’t take my corns, and I will kill you if you take my corns, this my garden and these are my plants”, He screamed.

Me and my friends was really square, because of his statement that he will kill us.

On that time, I began to hold my slippers and started to run.

“Hay… what?  What do you want to do?” Rino asked.

“Let us get out from this estate prepare yourself,” I said.

“No… no... no... I know you would like to run, but I can’t run fast, could we just walk calm?” He suggested me.

“No! Run...! as fast as you can!” I push him up.

While I am running, I look to the Ignas and Ocen they are so far as fast as they can run and I see the their slippers in ground they  just released it down, some of their corns that they have taken was fell down, I don’t care it I just run as fast as I can. Also, I turn back a bit of my view to the Rino, all his corns were fell it down, he didn’t bring it at all. I just care one corn because the only one that I have taken.

“Run... run...run…!” I screamed.

I was feeling tired, and just run slowly I look back at Rino, he was walked.

“Hay. . .Febry! no body pursued us that man didn’t run follow us please stop to run again”, he screamed and I stop to waiting him.

“Where are your corns why you didn’t care it?” I asked him.

“Oouh... No man, that was too much I taken the corns, I feel heavy that’s why I was fell it down, while we were run”, he stressed.

“Ha. . .ha. . .ha. . .it’s okay man”, I laughter look at his face was funny.

We are looking back to way where we run, there was monkeys take our corns which fell down.

“Ha...ha...ha...”, we were laughter.

“We are like monkeys too”, Rino said. Ha...ha...ha...”

After that, we walked through the rice fields and show the Ignas, and Ocen was sitting on the edge of the river, they were already making fire to burns their corns, while they are burning the corns, me and Rino to surprised them.

“Wahh...!!!” we screamed.

Ignas and Ocen was so amazed and they would like to run.

“Run…!!!”, they were screamed and run with the square.

“Ha…ha…ha...”, we were laugh.

Because of our laugh Ignas and Ocen was turn back they was confused look at me and Rino, which nothing brings the corns. That actually I hide my corn in my pocket which the only one.

“Hay, man! Where are your corns?” Ignas asked.

“Did you don’t go into the estate? Because you already know if there was a garden owner and you didn’t tell us, which you were lied to us?” Ocen added and like angry to me and Rino.

“No man, I have care one corn and I save it in my pocket otherwise it fell down”, I stressed.

“All of mine I have fell it down, because feel heavy when I am running and I can’t run fast.

Even though, I have taken a lot of corns, but now it was nothing. Here the only body of mine still safety otherwise almost killed by the estate owner”, Rino exclaimed.

“Ha…ha…ha…”, we were laughed together. 

Then we were burn the corns, I have one corn, Ocen ’s three corns and Ignas ‘s four corns.

We were enjoying the corns and also view of rice fields, which so beautiful and sunset.

We spend the rest of the afternoon in the rice fields, until we go home.

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5 Destinasi Wisata Yang Wajib Dikunjungi di Labuan Bajo Selain ke Pulau Komodo

  Penulis; Febri Wengke (keindahan kota pelabuhan Labuan Bajo dihiasi puluhan kapal yang mengambang, sumber; dokumentasi pribadi) Kegemara...